Many are the conflicts in the academies that oppose (or favor) distance education, without at least a theoretical-methodological-practical approach to the limits and possibilities that this modality can cause in the teaching-learning process. Thus, this work aims, through a bibliographical research, to verify how distance education is being perceived by scholars in the literature, for this, authors such as Belloni (2001), Demo (2007), Morin (2001), Fróes (1999) ); Gouvêa (2006), among others, were read and their ideas presented. In order to better understand this modality, we deal with its historicity, origin, limits and possibilities, dates and events in the world and in Brazil, then some positions on the role of educators and / or tutors and counselors, and how the professionals of this modality understand the teaching-learning process, so that when teaching truly happens, learning happens. Another important issue addressed in this article is the language of communication technologies as one of the factors that influence the performance of the educator in this modality of teaching. It is concluded that distance learning is not something new and should not be analyzed by Manichean attitudes, that is, as something totally good or totally bad. There is a need for competence (s) to design quality education, whether at a distance or not, so as not to offer only cheap "perfumeries" to be marketed, since education is increasingly an inalienable and essential right for the society.
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PDF (Português (Brasil))Referanslar
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Telif Hakkı (c) 2018 Revista Expressão Católica
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
ISSN: 2357-8483
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