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What Is Billiards? It's Easy If You Do It Smart

por Alejandro Henschke (12-09-2024)


Too many thoughts in my head EXCEPT pool! And, we also get to find out more about my good friend, Mike - the man behind the creation of AzB, his thoughts on the industry, and all he does for the pool community. I know this wasn't easy for Mike to come out of his shell, so I was very thankful! Find out how busy this woman is in the pool-arena and how effective her perspective is to be able to be involved in so many different aspects of the pool community effectively! I was lucky enough to capture an interview with the great woman and professional pool player, Melissa Herndon! It's a REALLY great article and I highly recommend it! Read the article here about her and her business! If you have some time set aside, here is the link to it. We have been friends a long time and I have learned so much from her on and off the table, so I was elated when she said yes to be interviewed, so you all could get to know her better, also! I have been a huge fan for years and I am truly happy you all get to know them better, also!

We get to know her likes, personality, and her strong presence on the pool table and off. I was lucky enough to get to interview my friend (of almost 20 years) and esteemed billiards author of the Play Your Best Pool books (and more!) for the April 2019 edition of Billiard Buzz! I then had to play a good friend of mine who usually walks all over me - has no fear against me and just free strokes against me. I first interviewed David Faver back in September 2017 - the day he had brain cancer surgery, and I would occasionally ask him clarification questions over the following eight months. I am over the moon with this interview - his responses are funny, thought-provoking, and said in a way I am enamored by. We are very proud of you! You are in for a treat! Such a treat working with you. Mike Howerton turned the tables and interviewed me for Billiard Buzz.

As the editor (Mike Howerton) stated, "We dare you to keep dry eyes while reading Melinda Bailey's interview with Charlie Smith." I want to thank Charlie for agreeing to let me delve into his humor, learn more about his loving wife Nancy, and share boldly the many tough times they have been through. March Issue: Charlie "Papa Red" Smith! August Issue: This month I interview the amazing and inspiring Toddy Deatherage! You will be just as surprised as I was with this interview with Toddy. Thank you Toddy for sharing your life with us! I kept that wish (and many others), including Dave’s request that I title this "The Life of a Pool Player." I think you all will be very surprised by Dave's responses. This is because slate pool tables are made with higher quality materials in terms of durability. Strings. Strings are two imaginary lines on the table which pass perpendicular to the head and foot spots, and all called the head string and the foot string. So I run the next two racks beautifully. The closest that Asia's Money Game King could get to Biado was four racks at 8-4! I returned the next day and I taught him the rules of one-pocket and he took an immediate liking to the game.

A Blog of the Day Award - WOW! I decided to stay in Vinh for the night because 13 hours on a cramped public bus had been enough of a day for me. Even if you do know him, you'll enjoy this interview, too. If you don't know him, you are missing out, as he is wonderful to be around with a contagious, positive, fun attitude and a very knowledgeable pool game (that he is passing on through "SLA" - read about it in the interview). All four pool players competing in the semifinals of the 2011 World Ten Ball Championship are assured of at least $15,000. The ABP is a non-profit group where the ABP’s 11 board members are volunteering their time and effort to help change the sport for the better. Snooker games are organized into frames. Another variant of the ball-and-mallet games came to be known as "Jeu de le Maillet" and "Jeu de Mail". She won the next two games because I messed up. I've always wanted to interview these two guys together and this month it became a reality! I was lucky to get to interview one of the best guys around the pool scene, Gordy Vanderveer!

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